Designed Open Flame collateral for a virtual event produced in collaboration with HBO’s Human by Orientation Pride 2020.
Designed Open Flame collateral for a virtual event produced in collaboration with HBO’s Human by Orientation Pride 2020.
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Misc. graphic design from both clients and self-produced works/events. For more marketing-specific examples, portfolio is available.
Designed Open Flame collateral for a virtual event produced in collaboration with HBO’s Human by Orientation Pride 2020.
Designed Open Flame's zine "V~1", featuring works by 23 queer comedians, writers, and artists. Profits from each zine went to Housing Works, a healing community of people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS that works to end the dual crises of homelessness and AIDS
Designed title credits for "Take Care" (2023), short film by writer/director Eleanor Laurence
Designed Open Flame collateral for a virtual event produced in collaboration with HBO for their first ever digital pride campaign “Human By Orientation” in 2020
Left: designed flyer for local stoop sale, 2021 / Right: designed flyer for a queer mixer I produced at Mood Ring, an astrology-themed bar in Brooklyn; event encourages socializing over cocktails and roses, 2019
Actor's cards designed for artist Sofia Dobrushin, 2019
Posters and graphic collateral created for the Hercules Art Studio Program, an artist residency in Lower Manhattan that provides subsidized studios to emerging visual talent
Solo video show and installation “All I See is Signs” (2017) at the Chop Suey Club (New York, NY), presented by Olympia Art
As part of the American Institute of Architects’ New York Chapter’s (AIANY) Zero Waste Challenge, I designed original graphics for my office that followed the Zero Waste Design Guidelines, in a attempt to reduce waste in the workplace. As a result, my firm was awarded the accolade of “Highest Percent Increase in Diversion Rate from Beginning to End”. Read more here
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